Up to 4 out of 10 people around the world are suffering from allergies right now 1

What Is Allergy?

An allergy occurs when your body’s immune system sees a substance, called an allergen, as harmful and overreacts to it. 2 This is an allergic reaction which causes the symptoms that you experience. 2 Allergens can get into your body in many ways to cause an allergic reaction. 2 Examples of allergens include pollen, dust, mould, and animal dander.

In an attempt to protect your body, your immune system produces antibodies that cause specific cells in your body to release histamine into your bloodstream. 3
Histamine causes the symptoms of the allergic reaction that you experience. 3

What are Allergic Symptoms?

The severity of symptoms during an allergic reaction can vary widely. Some symptoms of an allergic reaction include:2







How Do Allergies Affect You?

Some people do not think their allergy symptoms are serious and choose not to treat their allergy. 4 However, untreated allergies can result in sinus or ear
infections and significantly impact your quality of life and overall performance at school or work. 4,5 This is because they can cause poor sleep quality, tiredness,
and sleepiness, which lowers your ability to manage your daily activities:5

Adults with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) find it harder to think and
function at work, suffer from greater absenteeism, and experience
more work-related injuries. 5 They are more irritable than healthier
people, and they find it harder to make important decisions. 5

School-aged children diagnosed with allergic rhinitis (hay fever)
can do poorly in examinations and often cannot recall information
taught during class as a result of difficulty concentrating, caused
by the untreated symptoms of allergies. 5

Some allergies to foods like shellfish or peanuts, drugs or insect
stings like honeybees or wasps can lead to a potentially
life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis, which can be fatal. 5

How Should Allergies Be Treated?

Allergy treatment often includes 3 treatment types: avoiding allergens, medication, and/or immunotherapy (which involves receiving an allergen via a shot or under the tongue). 4 Ultimately, the best way to avoid allergic reactions is to stay away from the substances/allergens that cause them. 4 You can also use over-the-counter medications like Telfast® or consult with your healthcare professional.

Improve Your Quality of Life with Telfast® 6

Triple effect allergy relief for the whole family